> if the condition is never met importing xyz is wasteful

Yeah, unused imports still increase binary size despite deadCodeElim 
(`--d:release` `--opt:size`). In a perfect world that would not be the case...

* * *

> you can use `from math import nil`

Yup. But I [still](https://irclogs.nim-lang.org/15-06-2017.html) think Nim 
needs better syntax sugar for doing this, since preference for old-fashioned 
mandatory namespace prefixes are such a common complaint 
 Writing `from blah import nil` for every import is ugly. One is tempted to do 
something like:
    macro load*(modulesSeq: varargs[untyped]): untyped =
      result = newStmtList()
      for module in modulesSeq:
        result.add parseStmt("from " & $module & " import nil")
    load os, math

But doing this through an ad-hoc macro has some down-sides. **@Araq, how about 
adding a built-in keyword like that before v1.0?**

If so, we should discuss if the keyword name `load` is ideal. I first thought 
about using `use`, but that would remind people of Perl, while `import` reminds 
people of Python - this would be topsy-turvy of how those two languages behave 
regarding mandatory namespace prefixes. It's of course too late to rename the 
`import` keyword. So it would mean: "not _just_ `load`, but _also_ `import` 
into current namespace".

* * *

> runtime imports are not really possible in Nim because Nim is not an 
> interpreted language

Nitpick: Nim is a language that S2S-compiles to a "not interpreted" (C, a 
machine code targeting language) target, by default. But it can also compile to 
interpreted languages as well (JS now, maybe others later).

Perhaps one could create a library for runtime imports, which would work 
differently on different targets: 
 etc. (It would need to read the target code and generate headers at compile 
time.) But that's a whole nother opera.

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