As @stisa mentioned above, runtime imports are not really possible in Nim 
because Nim is not an interpreted language. Runtime imports are possible in a 
language like Python because the CPython VM can stop execution in a scope to 
import a module. Nim, however, pulls in modules at compile time. Once Nim code 
is compiled into an executable binary, there is no way to include a module 
without recompiling. The `when` conditional above is like an if statement that 
runs at compile time. Therefore, it is capable of conditionally importing 

In addition to @stisa's comments regarding qualified module name resolution: In 
most cases there is actually no need for namespaced modules as demonstrated 
because Nim performs function resolution based on a function's type signature. 
Very rarely are there two separate functions in 2 separate modules that are 
named the exact same thing, take the exact same arguments, and return the exact 
same value.

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