The issue is zielmicha, that the first thing you see if not the "real documentation". It so frustrating how the documentation is done.
In my opinion each function needs a summery with a sub-page separate for each function. So Google can instant link to the correct function page. It drives me personally bonkers, when it takes too long to load / find the function information that is needed. Its also on other functions: proc isLower(c: char): bool {.noSideEffect, procvar, gcsafe, extern: "nsuIsLowerChar", raises: [], tags: [].} Checks whether or not c is a lower case character. This checks ASCII characters only. Way more redable of it was simple: proc isLower(c: char): bool Checks whether or not c is a lower case character. This checks ASCII characters only Example: xxx Full Function: proc isLower(c: char): bool {.noSideEffect, procvar, gcsafe, extern: "nsuIsLowerChar", raises: [], tags: [].} Simple is better in my eyes. Separate pages per function. No "junk" visible. Only the needed function call. Put the more detailed function to a sub page.