Yeah..Depending on what he's doing, same-file dynamic estimation might also 
work. Good point, @jlp765.

On my system the 5.4 MB of `/usr/share/nim/**.nim` gets counted in about 4 
milliseconds - over 1.3 GB/sec, probably faster than all but the most 
powerhouse nvme/disk array IO. This is why I suspect @alfrednewman might be 
re-calculating things instead of saving the answer either in RAM or as files.

I'm sure a pre-pass calculating the number of lines can avoid certain 
complexities. However, once you start doing assembly hijinks that are not even 
portable through a given CPU family (e.g., using SSE, AVX2, AVX512, ...) 
performance becomes very deployment sensitive. Meanwhile, eliminating the 
entire pre-pass by merging it with per-line allocations/whatever costs 
complexity, too, but yields portable performance gains. If it's really 
ineliminable then have at it, asm-wise, I guess. I just suspect it's off-track.

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