There was recently a controversial thread that is now "locked", and there was 
some talk of deleting it ([Page 1 on 
 [Page 2 on 
 **I hope that it remains locked rather than deleted**, which I think is _very_ 

Aside from a proper thread locking mechanism, I think this forum needs some 
more features to properly accommodate the needs of Nim's online community:

  * **Thread tagging**: organize threads into categories by adding one or more 
tags, with admins having final say over what tags the thread ends up with. That 
way people can easily view all posts related, for example, to Nim release 
announcements, library release announcements, blog links, language feature 
proposals, stdlib proposals, etc. Some tags would have special meaning, like 
"nerdfight" / "drama" / "locked" / "trash" / "recycle bin" (whatever you wanna 
call it) - for threads like the one above, which would be hidden from the 
thread listing by default, but still visible when desired.
  * **Avoid Covert Mutability**: disable non-admin edits for posts older than 
say 3 days. This prevents disingenuous revisionism, and also optimizes spider 
revisiting needs, for example simplifying maintaining an archive of this forum 
to IPFS without the need to revisit old threads to know if they've changed. 
Also, if, unlike myself, the admins frown upon what some people call 
"necroing", that is posting replies on old threads, then the forum should at 
very least warn you of this preference.
  * As an added argument for my previously suggested **user profile identity 
enhancements** (validated connection with GitHub, OpenHub, GitLab, Reddit, 
FreeNode nick validation, etc), I'd like to include this [selective blog 
quote]( from my fellow libertarian software 
philosopher [esr](

> **In the hacker culture, you should be judged by your work and your work 
> alone. Show me your code. I want to see URLs to public repositories with your 
> commits in them.** (OpenHub statistics will do for a first cut.) Your 
> credibility goes up with commit volume and number of different projects. and 
> especially with the number of other people you have collaborated with. In 
> theory, I might be open to other metrics than commit volume for people who 
> aren't primarily software engineers. But that's an edge case; the point is, 
> whether it's lines of code or Thingiverse objects or PCB layouts, I want to 
> see evidence of contributed work.

  * A further step in this integration would be **read-only import of Nim 
issues, comments, etc** into this forum (especially from GitHub & Reddit), so 
everything can be seen / browsed / searched from one place.

I hope that in the near future I'll **_FINALLY_** find the time to submit some 
feature / enhancements code proposals for 
[nimforum]( (rather than just feature 
suggestions and half-baked code snippets)...

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