
Fiddled around in the generated C file in the **nimcache** directory by adding 
code to load the library **libpython3.5m.so.1.0** in C directly and it throws 
the same error!

The added code (added to the generated **PyInit_nim_module** function) is: 
    N_CDECL(..., PyInit_nim_module)(void) {
      nimln_(171, "nim_module.nim");
      void* handle;
      nimln_(900, "nim_module.nim");
      handle = dlopen("libpython3.5m.so.1.0", RTLD_LAZY);
      nimln_(901, "nim_module.nim");
      void (*init)(void) = dlsym(handle, "Py_Initialize");
      nimln_(902, "nim_module.nim");
      (*init)(); <----------------- ERROR
      nimln_(903, "nim_module.nim");
      Rest of the code

Do you perhaps know why this error occurs when invoking the **dlsym** loaded 

I know this question would probably be better placed in a python forum, but I'm 
hoping someone knows something about the problem!

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