@OderWat that's the hard part, finding a good real world example. Real world 
example are most of the time either too complicated for an example or not 
suitable, because they have a simpler or better solution, which does not use 
this interface implementation. And then there is also the risk that the example 
is from a domain the reader will probably not understand. A really good example 
is an example where the interface type is superior to both the inheritance 
based approach, **and** the generics based approach.

**Better than Generics:**

  * the function `foobar` should be somewhat complex, so that not using 
generics actually is an advantage. This could be done by having a complex macro 
call in the body that could eat some time of the compiler. You should know that 
a macro is evaluated after the generic instanciation.

**Better than inheritance**

  * At least one interface implementation is part of some older library, where 
the auther that writes the interface has no acces to, and therefore can't add 
  * Or, the objects need to be very compact, so that adding a vtable to each 
object is a bad idea.

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