GoLang compilation recently took a big hit (2x to 10x slower for various apps) 
when the compiler was re-written from C to bootstrapped Go. Rob Pike was 
concerned, which I think is a good sign. With Go-1.7, it is almost as fast as 
1.5 again.

D2 on the other hand, though still fast, is quite a bit slower than D1.

Here is a bit on how templates and other things were sped up in the D compiler:


One huge advantage of Nim and D over C++ is that a template specialization is 
instantiated only once (aside from inlining). I agree that templates can be a 
helpful feature of C++, and that they can also be abused to cause terrible 
compilation times. I have seen 1/2 hour compilation for a fairly small amount 
of code using Boost.Python and Boost.Serialization, and I hope never again to 
work at a company with that little regard for build times. In particular, I 
hope to avoid Scala, and for now also Rust.

I will also say that I see some merit in Go's avoidance of generics. They're 
great for the coder, but they can be annoying to the reader. Different 
organizations may have different goals.

> I'm not a Go programmer, but one obvious advantage I see from reading the 
> docs is that, unlike in Java, one doesn't need to define the types...
> That advantage is not unique to Go. The object system of the OCaml language 
> provides the same ability.

Yes, @bpr, they are similar. The important thing is that you don't need to 
depend on the same interface file, as you would in Java (and C++, unless you 
trick the compiler). For a large project, it's important to be able to compile 
and test your own code without even downloading your dependencies. With a short 
build-time, you can simply rebuild the entire project, so this advantage 
becomes less important. But "coding to the interface" (with dependency 
inversion) is still a very good (and "SOLID") practice that is easier in some 
languages than in others.

So I do appreciate your ideas, @Krux02, and I will look more closely at your 
macro when I have time.

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