Taking a look [at the man page for 
dlopen(3)](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/dlopen.3.html), I think the 
easiest thing to do would to be to wrap the dlopen() call in the Nim code in 
something that sets and then resets the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

Taking a look at the dlopen() imports in 
 we could use the os modules' getEnv() and putEnv() functions.

    from os import getEnv, putEnv
    proc real_dlopen(path: cstring, mode: cint): LibHandle
      {.importc: "dlopen", header: "<dlfcn.h>".}
    proc dlopen(path: cstring, mode: cint): LibHandle=
      # Modify the library search path
        origLibPath = getEnv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")
        newLibPath = originalLibPath & ":/usr/local/lib"
      setEnv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", newLibPath)
      result = real_dlopen(path, mode)
      setEnv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", origLibPath)

I think that would do it. Looking also [at OS X's 
 it might be best to add in a block that will get the correct environment 
variable to get, set, and reset. Interestingly enough, OS X already searches 
/usr/local/lib by defualt. But I'm not sure about /usr/local/Cellar, where is 
where homebrew likes to put stuff.

I'll leave the details up to you, but I think this needs to be the case for 
Linux at least.

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