@Lando I think you misunderstood me. I like properties for the reasons you 
mentioned (mainly: not giving a damn). I just don't like the fact they work 
differently in the module the type is defined in. 

As for whether properties are good: it depends. Memoized properties are often a 
good usecase: after the first access it actually is just a simple read 
(although one could argue that as the very first call is expensive, it should 
not mimic simple access). Also, properties can be an alias --- in one of my 
projects I used some generic N-spaces but aliased a few first elements of any 
N-dimentional array by x, y, z etc.

As for solution: why not use the same one as with assignments? 
system.`host=`(s, 34) sounds weird but hey, it IS weird to directly access a 
field when a setter for this field is defined!

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