> please check it out:


I think it looks more modern now.

Generally my feeling is, that the whole layout is really big -- large 
fonts/pictures with large void areas between elements. That may be fine and 
desired, but it implies that most pages fit not completely on screen, scrolling 
is necessary. And sometimes large size can generate the feeling that there is 
not much content available...

If your goal is something in the direction of "selling" the language or to 
attract more users/developers, then it may be useful to consider the wording of 
some of the headlines of the start page:

> Statically typed and compiled, it provides unparalleled performance in an 
> elegant package.

If you check the exact meaning of "unparalleled" you may get: "having no equal; 
better or greater than any other". So it is better than C, C++, D, Rust and all 
the competitors?

And "elegant package": That phrase may generate the feeling that it has an ugly 
core, but a nice surface.

> High-performance garbage-collected language

As we know, that not all people like GC too much, marketing guys would write 
something like "High performance with true parallel executation and optional 
highly tuneable realtime GC support"

> Runs on Windows, macOS, Linux, and more

I don't like the wording too much, and indeed it is not absolutely clear. Does 
it refer to the compiling process, the produced executable or both?

Maybe: Supports all major Operationg Systems Including Windows, macOS and Linux

At this point we may mention the support of microcontrollers and embedded 
systems, despite the fact that this is still very limited: Maybe "Nim is 
universal: From Application and Kernel (OS) development to embedded devices to 
smallest 8 bit microcontrollers.

> Compiles to C, C++ or JavaScript

As we know, that some people do not like "to C transpilers" one may write 
"Support of all relevant backends including C, C++, JavaScript, LLVM and 

> Produces dependency-free binaries

Sounds like a big blob: Maybe "Produced executables are small(down to a few 
kBytes) with selectable dynamic or fully static linking for dependency-free 

OK, that is enough for now, my english is not that good, and I hope you see my 

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