
I found your earlier blog posts after reading the newest one. (those should 
really be more visible btw! they are very interesting!)

Specifically your post on write tracking. It's obviously a really old post 
(from 2013), and it looks like it was never fully implemented.

What happened with that project?

> you need to track the dangerous pointers somehow and most static analysis 
> quickly need to give up.

Would the write tracking help solve any of the problems you mention with the 
move semantics? I have a vague intuition that write tracking might help take 
the static analysis further.

> The fact that the default allocation strategy changes from "thread local" to 
> "can be shared between threads" does not help either.

It seems like you could detect writes between threads with the write tracking 
system you described, or possibly a variation of that system. Though that very 
quickly starts to sound like the Rust borrow checker...

What are your thoughts on this?

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