@Stefan_Salewski - I think this idea of having a family of overloaded procs to 
sort on standard types is very good. I have almost raised it myself several 

It would be useful for `cmp`-less `sort` procs on such type to be _stable_ 
sorts (meaning elements with identical keys retain relative positions in the 
array). Then a user could implement a simple 2-level or 3-level sort on 
distinct embedded keys by just calling such sort procs 2 or 3 times. (A 
multi-level sort orders elements first by a primary key, then a secondary key 
for equal primary keys, and so on).

This arrangement has another performance bonus potentially much greater than 
the inlining effect mentioned so far in this thread. It allows one to tune 
which sorting algorithm is used based on the nature of the key, e.g. how long 
it is, integer or floating point or string, etc. For example, for single-byte 
integer keys it is hard to be faster than [counting 
sort](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counting_sort) which does two pretty linear 
sweeps through the input - the first to histogram byte values and the second to 
output the answer (with a keyspace-sized prefix sum in between to convert 
counts to output offsets). The simplest version of that does require an 
additional copy of the input array which may have some consequences on the proc 

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