One other wrinkle more in line with this thread topic is making things work for 
general object types but specific standard key types. In C one might handle 
that by taking an `offsetof` for where they key field is within an object and 
`sizeof` for the size of object in the array. In Nim, one could do similar, but 
it might be more "Nimonic" to more safely dispatch via some `sort template` 
instead of a `sort proc`, e.g.: 
    template sort[T](inp: seq[T], keyField: untyped) =
      when T.`keyField` is byte: ## XXX Handle all the standard types
        ...                      ## XXX good & stable algos for each one

The implementation might look nicer with a family of overloaded calls rather 
than a big `when T.`keyField` is` dispatcher. I am not sure there is a clean 
way to do that in this case. Each `when` clause should be able to dispatch to a 
type-specialized case, though. So, it's not too bad.

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