A quick recap what has been done in the last week.

Nim now has improved documentation for the following **10** modules, and you 
can view their documentation on [this 

  * strutils, sequtils, tables, math, parseutils, base64, sha1, uri, lists, 

These modules also have their documentation done, but the documentation build 
hasn't updated yet (should be available tomorrow probably):

  * sets, intsets, parseopt

The following modules are in the works:

  * algorithm, parsecsv, xmltree, jsffi

* * *

As you can see, the things started to move (we got some help for the modules 
mentioned above from the community — thank you!), but there are still plenty of 
modules ahead of us.

I'm inviting you once again to help us with this. [Here is the 
list](https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/10330) of modules you could work 
on (some of them are really short).

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