> I like these ideas very much but Nim can't innovate on all fronts at the same 
> time.

I did not mean to say I want this feature now. Nim's current direction is 
great! This post was about my day dreams :-P

> Sounds roughly similar to what "incremental compilation" will bring to Nim.

I had to go back and look at the RFC for incremental compilation. It's been a 
while since I looked at it. That RFC is actually very close to the same ideas. 
As usual, you are way ahead of your time Araq :-P

The RFC focuses on using the technique as a compile speed optimization, but one 
of the big values the article discuses relates to the editing side of things. 
Things like better branch merging, and structured refactors of code.

Is it reasonable to think that some type of editor process could "hook into" 
the incremental compilation process (specifically modify the sqlite db 
entries), to achieve structured AST modifications? 

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