I use MinGW with nim on windows all the time. I have never heard of winpty or 
MSYS2. To get rid of the console for a windows app from nim we just pass 
\--app:gui not sure what you need to do in C++ to do that.

I manage to get some of OpenWL working on Mac with the help of @shashlick's 
modified script (here: 
    import openwl
    echo wl_GetPlatform()
    proc eventLoop(window: wlWindow; event: ptr WLEvent; userData: pointer): 
cint {.cdecl.} =
      echo "here"
    var opts = WLPlatformOptions()
    discard wl_Init(eventLoop, addr opts)
    var props = WLWindowProperties()
    props.usedFields = ord(WLWindowProp_MinWidth) or 
ord(WLWindowProp_MinHeight) or ord(WLWindowProp_MaxWidth) or 
    props.minWidth = 300
    props.minHeight = 200
    props.maxWidth = 1600
    props.maxHeight = 900
      width = 800
      height = 600
    var mainWindow = wl_WindowCreate(cint width, cint height, "hello there, 
cross-platform friend āǢʥϢ۩ใ ♥☺☼", nil, addr props)
    wl_WindowShow(mainWindow) # <-- segfaults
    discard wl_Runloop()

I am getting SIGSEGV when trying to show the window. Is there anything extra I 
need to do to the window to make it showable? Like add a menu or do any of the 
things in platformInit? Do you have a super minimal openWL example? 

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