
> I'm surprised everyone is treating owned and unowned refs as if they were 
> something new. C++ has owned and unowned refs....

I'm afraid you are far behind the curve here, Nim's owned/dangling ref's aren't 
like those of C++ at all, see [@Araq's original post on the 
forum](https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/4743#29588) with follow-up discussion and 
[another follow-up thread](https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/4976#31173).

In short, in his research, @Araq found a paper that describes a way of doing 
this that is not just pure reference counting but rather more like C++ 
"unique_ptr" but better as it can optionally verify the correctness with 
reference counting - it is more like a cross between C++ "unique_ptr" and 
"shared_ptr" but not the same as either. Since then, we have been working at 
improving on the work in the original research paper to (hopefully) get 
something even better than that.

> But anybody considering this would have immediately understood the cost 
> tradeoffs: you pay the performance penalty of maintaining the reference 
> counts, and you pay the price of doing the extra work to clear out the 
> unowned refs.

In Nim's implementation, reference counts are optional and something that one 
would turn on for debug/development so as to make sure the compiler/programmer 
are doing their job properly, then turned of for release in which case there is 
no reference counters used nor checks made if that option is selected. As to 
"clearing out unowned ref's", if you are referring to dangling ref's, they are 
actually just something like C++ "weak_pointer" and thus there is no "clearing 
out to be done; if checks are turned off and the compiler and programmer are 
mistaken, then the program may fail by trying to reference a deallocated 
pointer. As to "clearing out owned ref's when they go out of scope, that is 
just a simple automatic deallocation just as for any pointer when it is 

Thus, the Nim version of owned/dangling ref's can be zero cost for 
release/danger mode.

When the ownership model fails as when one needs to have the equivalent of 
multiple owners of the same data, then it is proposed that one would implement 
an override that would do a deep copy just as one would implement a "Clone" 
trait in Rust for this case. When one wants to share the same data such as 
across threads, then one does the overrides to implement reference counted 
pointers that are basically the same as C++ "shared_ptr", but the need for 
those should be fairly rare and when required the overhead of their use will 
likely be much less than other overheads, such as those related to thread 
context switching.

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