@Araq: It finally happened any, with everyone else I'm grateful. I hate to rain, even with a light shower ;-) , on the parade, but there is one strange discrepancy that would appear to be supported in the compiler command-line-options and the standard library documentation that seems to have been overlooked: \--newruntime as a command line option is not marked as experimental so we assume that it will be supported, the channels library module seems to be regarded as stable (unlike the threadpool library module which seems to be regarded as unstable, thus subject to possibly breaking changes), yet when one compiles with \--newruntime and with \--threads:on (one of the main reasons to use \--newruntime), the `channels library is not available as I noted in [issue#12004](https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/12004)
Although I realize that the use of \--newruntime isn't documented anywhere except in the updated "desctructors" document, lack of the channels library for its use would seem to be an inconsistency in version 1.0; granted, new users won't likely be frustrated by it as it will likely take them awhile to grow to the use of multi-threading and the need for something better than single threaded GC, but still...