`newTree` is the canonical way to use macros nowadays (if quote do is not 

Here are some examples of macros from my code:

  * [Simple] A very simple Add/Mul Domain Specific Language. Its AST is then 
translated into Nim AST and compiled: 
  * [Complex] There are further examples on the same repo on how I extend this 
DSL to apply to whole sequences and then introduce SIMD vectorization. The end 
goal is to create a deep learning compiler completely in Nim macro. Preview 
available here: 
  * [Simple] Create an enum without holes from an enum with holes declaration: 
  * [Medium] Declarative configuration of an emulator opcodes: 


  * [Complex] Declarative configuration of an assembler opcode -> machine code 


  * [Complex] Variadic for-loop (note that it's more complex that needs be as I 
generate an iterator proc instead of iterating directly on arguments): 

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