A `runtime` means something that operates at `runtime` with extra overhead 
compared to anything done at compile-time by the compiler. It also means 
potentially interoperability issue.

For example, a garbage collector or a reference counting scheme is also a 
runtime, extra overhead, not done at compile-time. Systems languages need to 
keep a runtime very lightweight in most cases and inexistent in certain 
critical cases (operating system, interoperability/embedability in other 

Now a runtime is also supposed to bring benefits: abstract away the 
programmer's worries of manual memory management or manual thread management.

I would say the goal is not to replace threadpool, but provide an advanced 
version. The standard library threadpool gives you a simple way to use threads, 
however those are not load balance which is a critical issue in many cases.

Now users have 2 choices, either they have a common use-case (process all my 
tasks as fast as possible) and they can use Weave. Or they have very specific 
constraints like real-time scheduling/latency/fairness or priority jobs and 
they need to build their own scheduler on top of the threadpool or raw Nim 
threads. For example if you process audio or video in real-time, the goal is 
not to process the whole video as fast as possible but to get the next frame 
processed before the deadline. Weave would guarantee the former, but maybe it 
would schedule the first frame as the very last processed (guarantee of 
throughput but not of latency).

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