
  * Python: Code looks clean, gets stuff done quickly, easy to hire people
  * JavaScript: Performant (thanks to browser wars), runs everywhere, 
Babel+Typescript/Flow make it bearable


  * C++: bloated, messed up, pays too much attention to useless stuff and yet 
cannot easily trim and convert to a string to an upper case. some libraries 
save it, but the lack of some fundamental features in 2019 makes me wonder what 
kind of people are in charge of designing it
  * Objective-C: ugly syntax, totally useless outside of Apple


  * Nim: {.pragma.} _cough_

I was seriously considering Nim for my next project, however I had to hold back 
with that, as it still feels too rough at the edges. For those parts where Nim 
shines though, it appears to me to be an example of the smartest and the sanest 
approach to designing the next generation language, yet, I feel it needs to be 
more friendly to average minds.

With Nim it seems like implementing anything a little more complex than a 
simple linear program involves a lot of esoteric syntactic grit that looks and 
feels hacky. Also, for designing a complex system, it routinely requires 
delving into solving issues caused by some features, for which there are dozens 
of pragmas. At the present stage I feel that Nim is a bit of an IQ test - even 
though I might have no issues comprehending it, my subordinates will. I feel 
that hiring people who would be able to cope with Nim and program it 
efficiently probably will be a lot more expensive than hiring people to develop 
in Python. Why does it have to be that way? The number of concepts you have to 
keep in your head while programming Nim exceeds the capabilities of an average 

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