_Here is the English translation of the French explanations that_ **JPLRouge** 
_gave. But even in French, the text was not really clear and I 'm not an expert 
of IBM VT terminals and libraries..._


The goal is to revive the good old 5250/3270 dumb terminals. That type of 
terminal is based on windows where you can put labels and field buttons (F1 ... 
F24). Their relative placement on the window is automatic, in the same way as 
an exfmt (ioPanel) does on OS/400 (language RPGFILE).

The example presents what can be done. Many features are supported. They were 
done from books I have from IBM dating from 1980, as Nim was supporting it.

Regarding SFLINE, this feature is a bit like scrolling but more powerful. I'm 
presently working on implementing SFLINE with a simple and viable solution.

I've put screenshots on GitHub of what is working. There's also an example.

TermVTE is based on the library VTE3. But one can use TermKey and TermCurs 
directly on any Linux terminal.

Having tested VTE terminal, it is possible to add features. Using C/C++, I can 
manage the keyboard and there is a powerful interconnected system communication 
(sys/msg.h) that can be used.

I only wanted to release a terminal. There's place for improvement...

The TermKey program does not use TermVTE. It can be used as a library to read 
input from the keyboard while respecting Linux standards. There's no other 
dependance but Nim. 

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