The following code gives me a compile time error : 
    import arraymancer
    import nimpy
    import nimpy/raw_buffers
    proc `+`[T](p: ptr T, val: int) : ptr T {.inline.}=
      cast[ptr T](cast[uint](p) + cast[uint](val * sizeof(T)))
    proc pyBufToTensor[T](ndArray: PyObject): Tensor[T]=
      # Convert PyObject to RawPyBuffer
      var aBuf: RawPyBuffer
      ndArray.getBuffer(aBuf, PyBUF_WRITABLE or PyBUF_ND)
      # Copy buffer into Tensor
      var shape: seq[int]
      for i in 0..<aBuf.ndim:
      # Get memory asdress of buffer
      var bufPtr = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[T]](aBuf.buf)
      # Get underlying data buffer of Tensor
      result = newTensor[T](shape)
      var tensorDataPtr = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[T]](result.get_data_ptr)
      # Copy Buffer into Tensor
      var length = shape.foldl(a*b)
      copyMem(tensorDataPtr, bufPtr, length*sizeof(T))
    let np = pyImport("numpy")
    proc nimfftshift[T](t: Tensor[T]): Tensor[T]=
      ## Reshape PyObject to Arraymancer Tensor
      #var ndArray = wrappy.w_fftshift(t.toSeq, t.shape.toSeq)
      var shape = np.array(t.shape.toSeq)
      var ndArray = np.array(t.toSeq)
      ndArray = np.reshape(ndArray, shape)
      ndArray = np.fft.fftshift(ndArray)
      # Convert RawPyBuffer to Tensor
      result = pyBufToTensor[T](ndArray)

Error message : 
    but expected one of:
    proc reshape(t: Tensor; new_shape: MetadataArray): Tensor
      first type mismatch at position: 1
      required type for t: Tensor
      but expression 'np' is of type: PyObject
    proc reshape(t: Tensor; new_shape: varargs[int]): Tensor
      first type mismatch at position: 1
      required type for t: Tensor
      but expression 'np' is of type: PyObject
    proc reshape[TT](a: Variable[TT]; shape: MetadataArray): Variable[TT]
      first type mismatch at position: 1
      required type for a: Variable[reshape.TT]
      but expression 'np' is of type: PyObject
    proc reshape[TT](a: Variable[TT]; shape: varargs[int]): Variable[TT]
      first type mismatch at position: 1
      required type for a: Variable[reshape.TT]
      but expression 'np' is of type: PyObject
    expression: reshape(np, ndArray, shape)

> My plan was to introduce zero-copy interop with Numpy

That would be awesome ! 

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