I feel really stupid but here goes. I'm writing a small note taking like 
program in various languages. My add method fails to compile do to a type 
mismatch. Here is the code:
    import tables
        JotzCollection = object
            entries: Table[string, string]
            titleSize: uint32
            JOTZ_FILE_NAME: string
    proc newJotzCollection (): JotzCollection =
        var collection: JotzCollection
        collection.entries = initTable[string, string]()
        return collection
    proc add(this: JotzCollection, name: string, note: string) =
        this.entries[name] = note # ERROR occurs here.
    proc dump(this: JotzCollection) =
        for name, note in this.entries.pairs:
            echo("$name => $note")
    var collection = newJotzCollection()
    collection.add("Matrix", "Was a great movie")
    collection.add("Pulp Fiction", "No idea")

The error is: app.nim(16, 17) Error: type mismatch: got <Table[system.string, 
system.string], string, string>

Any help is greatly appreciated. Going to do some more reading up on Nim so 
hopefully either way I can find an answer. Thanks!

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