This talk has a pretty good part about how most popular languages got popular: 

To summarize, according to the talk, there are 5 major ways to popularly (top 

  1. Killer App: C, Ruby, PHP
  2. Platform Exclusivity: JS, Obj-C, Swift, C#
  3. Quick Upgrade: C++, Kotlin, TypeScript
  4. Epic Marketing: Java
  5. Slow & Steady: Python

I think Nim right now is doing a little bit in 3 out of 5 directions.

1\. Killer App: Nim has the ability compile to both JS and Native allowing same 
code. If only Nim could do this it would be really cool, but Node/JavaScript 
can do this as well. Nim needs to find some thing else. Nim can interface 
between c/c++ and other languages. The FFI is really good. Is this enough for a 
killer app?

2\. Platform Exclusivity: Nim is not doing anything here. There is no only Nim 
platforms and probably never will be.

3\. Quick Upgrade: Nim is kind of a quick upgrade from Python and maybe C++. 
But it does not feel quick "enough", but it's there. Languages like Kotlin and 
TypeScript are much quicker.

4\. Epic Marketing: Nim is doing nothing here. No one is spending a million 
dollars on Nim ads or Nim conferences.

5\. Slow & Steady. The slow community path. This is probably where Nim is 
growing the most right now. But not sure its fast enough. I also think that 
most languages have this path as well. This path is way too crowded.

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