

Originally, I have the following network.

1.      Subnet 1 of 4 clients (x.x.4.x)
2.      Switch
3.      Server port 1 (x.x.4.x)

   1  ---- 2 ----- 3.


Now, I want to put NISTnet box between 2 and 3, and change 3 to be a
different subnet. It looks like following.

   1 (x.x.4.x) ---- 2 ----  (x.x.4.1) NISTnet (x.x.5.1) ---- 3 (x.x.5.x)

At 3, I assigned the gateway to be the NISTnet port ip address


At 1, I cannot change the gateway to be the NISTnet port ip address.
There are several clients at 1, and their gateways point to the switch
currently.  So, right now,  when client at 1 wants to send a packet to
3, it does not go through.


Can any one help me?  Can I change the switch (Cisco Catalyst 3750)
setting to have a default route forwarding to NISTnet ip (x.x.4.1)?


Chih-fan Hsin


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