On 01/14/2014 04:29 PM, Moritz Ulrich wrote:
The current approach looks correct to me: Nixpkgs-Monitor is the
original author of the patch, and applying this patch merely makes you
the committer, not the author.

Yes, it does seem consistent: author generated it and committer reviewed it. When merging this *is* preserved; and if you cherry-pick a generated patch without a change, you're about as good committer as the original one...

I think we also don't want to lose the information that it's a generated patch.

Nixpkgs-Monitor could get its own email address.

It does have its address, an invalid one. Supplying a valid address doesn't make sense to me; maybe we could just have such address that it does at least look valid to github, so it's considered as an author by it...


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