Maybe a secondary git branch would be good to implement it.
Em 31/08/2014 00:32, "Daniel Peebles" <> escreveu:

> Hi all,
> I've had a sudden urge to do some Haskell archeology and that led me
> to a question about how we feel "philosophically" about keeping
> abandoned projects and old versions of live projects in nixpkgs. I
> think it could be valuable to preserve important pieces of Haskell
> history (and perhaps other projects) and it seems like nix is uniquely
> positioned to be able to do that well. I don't propose keeping all
> versions of all the compilers around, but I'd like to pick out key
> points in history and preserve them.
> In particular, I was thinking of attempting to get the following working:
> - HBC: perhaps the original Haskell compiler. I'd probably aim for a
> version that implements Haskell 1.4 and one before that standard was
> even proposed. Polymorphic map and (++) in Prelude!
> - NHC: can build it with HBC
> - GHC: the latest version that supports linear implicit parameters,
> because they're gone now and I think people should be able to tinker
> with them
> The nice thing about doing this sort of thing with compilers is that
> they tend to not have many dependencies, but I expect I might also
> need to package up an old version of yacc for HBC. If it starts
> getting too messy I might abandon the project, but I think it could
> work fairly nicely. This would also pave the way to exploring other
> interesting abandoned projects like fudgets and such.
> How do people feel about this? Is it something I should maintain
> independently of nixpkgs or does it belong in the main repo?
> Thanks,
> Dan
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