On Sat, Dec 27, 2014 at 7:48 AM, Ertugrul Söylemez <ert...@gmx.de> wrote:
> I think as a first step to get rid of systemd and gain a much more
> sensible services model as well we should move away from NixOS modules
> for services.

The module system is made in such a way that one can build on top of
the work of the other without having any computer scientist knowledge.
This is also the reason why I am pushing to abolish "functions" as
option definitions.  Most of the time if you want to use a function,
you can express it as a set of input (option declaration) which are
being processed to provide a lower level of abstraction given by
another module (option definitions).

The module system does not prevent us from doing anything, it provides
a new way of formatting which makes things declarative and extensible.

If a module does not serve what you expect, you can always write
another module and use it instead of the previous one.  Having
multiple instances of a service is an issue with the module, not a
limitation in the module system.

> Being able to reason about the resulting system is very
> important.

Have you tried nixos-option ?

> I would prefer and do propose an algebraic solution (view services as a
> toolbox from which you can pick the services you want and compose them
> together).  A services configuration then might look like this:
>     services =
>         bitlbee { port = 10000; stateDir = "/var/lib/bitlbee1"; } <>
>         bitlbee { port = 10001; stateDir = "/var/lib/bitlbee2"; } <>
>         nginx { httpConfig = "..."; } <>
>         postfix { postMasterAlias = "blah"; }

First, unamed instance are not modular. This is why we are moving away
from types.listOf and that the suggested alternative is a backward
compatible version named types.loaOf (list or attribute set of).

Second, I see 2 additional concepts and I do not think I would be able
to explain these to my grand-mother, Can you?

I think what you are trying to express can be done with the module
system, maybe you can try to make a prototype using the module system
and a new top-level "system-proto" option which is declaring submodule
for every service that you want to declare.  Maybe we can learn
something from this experiment, in order to better design future

In any cases, I do not think we want to switch to something without
having a working prototype to experiment with.  Do not take that
personally, this was also the case with the module system [1].

[1] http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.distributions.nixos/1187

Nicolas Pierron
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