On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 11:11 PM, Ertugrul Söylemez <ert...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi Colin,
> > This sounds a lot like Disnix! How would it be similar? How would it
> > be different?
> Disnix and NixOps are machine-oriented.  You have a network of machines
> with configurations.  The goal is a service-oriented architecture.
> Every service itself is a "machine", and those machines can be combined
> to larger machines.

Yeah, that's certainly true of Nixops. My understanding of Disnix, though,
is that it let's you describe, separately, services in the abstract,
machines available for running them, and the deployment of abstract
services onto the physical machines.

Disnix seems to be dead, though, so even if what you're proposing is very
similar, it would be a big improvement on the current state of the art.

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