Congrats on the funding!

As someone who's been looking for more static validation of my Nix expressions, 
this is an exciting change. I must admit, however, that I wonder if Nix is just 
not the "right" tool for the job. I didn't see anyone else in this thread 
mention it, to my surprise, so I'll bite: if you have some funding and some 
time, why not integrate an existing language, with a working, mature, static 
type system instead?

This is where I think Guix made a better choice: many people already know 
Scheme and are comfortable with it. If Haskell, for example, has the kind of 
type system we're seeking, what benefit do we get for sticking with Nix? Only 
the sunken cost?

If it isn't clear, I think that purely functional package management is a 
wonderful thing, but I don't think a new (Nix) language is the best way to use 

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