Thu 30 Mar 17 − 00:23, Jeaye( a écrit:
> Congrats on the funding!

Thanks :)

> As someone who's been looking for more static validation of my Nix 
> expressions, this is an exciting change. I must admit, however, that I wonder 
> if Nix is just not the "right" tool for the job. I didn't see anyone else in 
> this thread mention it, to my surprise, so I'll bite: if you have some 
> funding and some time, why not integrate an existing language, with a 
> working, mature, static type system instead?
> This is where I think Guix made a better choice: many people already know 
> Scheme and are comfortable with it. If Haskell, for example, has the kind of 
> type system we're seeking, what benefit do we get for sticking with Nix? Only 
> the sunken cost?
> If it isn't clear, I think that purely functional package management is a 
> wonderful thing, but I don't think a new (Nix) language is the best way to 
> use it.

I don't think a dedicated (and new) language is a bad think because
nixpkgs is a quite hudge codebase (and could be much bigger) where most
of the code follows exactly the same few patterns (calls to
`mkDerivation` or nixos module declarations), so I think the cost of
maintaining a language optimized for those patterns is worth it (for
scheme, lisp users tend to think that it is flexible enough to fit as a
perfect DSL for any use case, so if this is indeed true, it also is an
excellent choice − I always wanted to try some lisp but never found the
strenght to fight those cohorts of parens so I couldn't make my own
opinion on this).
And the real cost of switching to a new language would probably be −
much more than the sinking cost − the unavoidable split of the community
(which already isn't that big...).

(And for haskell in particular − at least GHC-haskell −, I really
wouldn't like it for nixpkgs because I *really* wouln't want nix to
depend on something as huge as GHC).

That being said, I agree that nix is somehow weird (and I agree even
more after having worked a bit on the grammar), and I would have by far
preferred something closer to classical functional languages.

Théophane Hufschmitt

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