On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 10:35 PM, Jim Peterson <jim.sokytec...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-06-22 at 18:26 -0500, Howard White wrote:
> I keep telling folks that I don't do Windows.  I do like to eat, however...
> New customer, prospective phone system sale.  Recently added new office
> computers, but not total replacement.  They have an external, USB
> connected, hard disk that they wish to share; connected to the new W7
> machine.  W7 machines may get the share but the remaining Vista machine
> cannot.  Much Google searching has yet to yield conclusive answers; many
> posts complaining of same problem, uh, differently.  I have neither
> Vista nor W7 with which to test.
> Before I came home to research, I suggested they connect the USB hard
> drive to the Vista machine to see if W7 could link to that.  Some
> postings seem to support this hypothesis.
> Would appreciate more than wild guesses as a basis for solution.
> Howard
> Win7 uses a new "feature" called HomeGroups. These have their own name &
> password-type authentication to "ensure" that the requesting machine has
> rights to whatever share is on the Win7 box. You might want to check and see
> if this has been set up on the Win7 box as this could lock out the others.
> Jim Peterson

Windows tends to cache authentication for things like this.  If you're
tweaking user/pass to sync everyone up, it might still fail.  In this
case, the command "net use" might come in handy.
Maybe something like:
net use \\bobworkstation\officejet /del
net use \\bobworkstation\officejet /user:bob

Still, even if you do everything correctly, different versions of
Windows tend to be super fickle about mixing.

Don Delp

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