On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 8:38 AM, Andrew Farnsworth <farn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 9:21 AM, Andrew Farnsworth <farn...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 9:17 AM, Don Delp <nesma...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I should have thought of Robocopy earlier.  Reading about the idea of
>>> using tail to snatch a bit of the file at a time made me think of it.
>>> We use it all the time to copy large files over small pipes.
>>> There is a trick to Robocopy in the flags and arguments.  Try this:
>>> robocopy /Z /V /W:1 /R:9999 \path\to\logs\ \path\to\new\location\
>>> apache.log
>>> /Z - restartable-on-error copy mode
>>> /V - verbose
>>> /W:1 - wait 1 second between retries  (default is much larger I think)
>>> /R:9999 - retry 9999 times (default is 1 million, which might actually
>>> be better in this case)
>>> \path\to\logs - folder to copy source from
>>> \path\to\new\location\ - folder to copy to
>>> apache.log - actual name of file to copy (you can not just append this
>>> to the source folder argument as \path\to\logs\apache.log like you
>>> would with most command utilities)
> Ok, I got robocopy copying but... two things... log file is stored in
> "D:\Program Files\path\to\apache\logs\" so you have to use quotes because of
> the space in the path, but don't use the trailing backslash as that escapes
> the final quote... same for the destination path.
> Second, last night the logs were rotated so the log size is only 7Mb now so
> I cannot test to see if this really solves the problem.  I'll keep everyone
> posted on that.
> Andy

Somewhere between robocopy and rsync there is a gotcha involving that
trailing slash and the difference between copying the folder and
contents or dumping the contents without the folder.  I can never
remember which program it applies to or which behavior the trailing
slash causes.

Don Delp

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