I submitted this bug last week, and added an update today.  I don't
think anyone's really using savannah's bug tracking tool, so I'm
forwarding this to the nmh-workers list.   


------- Forwarded Message

Date:    Mon, 14 Oct 2002 11:46:34 -0400
Subject: [Bug #1393] sortm core dumps

=================== BUG #1393: LATEST MODIFICATIONS ==================

Changes by: Scott Lipcon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2002-Oct-14 15:46 (GMT)

- ------------------ Additional Follow-up Comments ----------------------------
I found time to track down the bad message - it looks like a Korean spam, with 
funny characters in the subject line.  The bad message is at http://mercea.net/

I also tried sortm from the latest CVS, and it still core dumps.  

If anyone has time to look at this, that would be great.


=================== BUG #1393: FULL BUG SNAPSHOT ===================

Submitted by: slipcon                   Project: The nmh Mail Handling System  
Submitted on: 2002-Oct-10 15:15
Category:  None                         Severity:  6                           
Bug Group:  None                        Resolution:  None                      
Assigned to:  None                      Status:  Open                          

Summary:  sortm core dumps

Original Submission:  I've seen this a few times now:  sortm doesn't like somet
hing in a message, and core dumps.    I don't have time to try to find the offe
nding message right now, but I have a tarfile of the 100 or so messages in my +
fbsd-stable folder, and running 'sortm -textfield subject' on that folder cause
s a core dump. 

I am running nmh 1.0.4 from the FreeBSD port collection, on FreeBSD 4.6-STABLE.

The tarfile of the offending folder is at http://mercea.net/~slipcon/misc/freeb


Follow-up Comments

- -------------------------------------------------------
Date: 2002-Oct-14 15:46             By: slipcon
I found time to track down the bad message - it looks like a Korean spam, with 
funny characters in the subject line.  The bad message is at http://mercea.net/

I also tried sortm from the latest CVS, and it still core dumps.  

If anyone has time to look at this, that would be great.


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