is it possible you don't have a 'From ' line in the mail content
that's being filtered?  postfix delivers my mail via procmail to
multiple mailbox files, and then i inc from those into my
(similarly-named) MH mail folders.

also, my .procmailrc doesn't touch LOGABSTRACT in any way -- it's
left at its default value.

(btw, what's missing from the LOGABSTRACT summary is the "matched on"
info that tells you _why_ a message ended up in the place it went to.
i have multiple rules that sort to the same place, for instance, and
need to distinguish when debugging.)

paul wrote:
 >  > debugging after the fact is hard otherwise.  i just ran this command
 >  > on my verbose log:
 >  > 
 >  >   egrep '^From |^ Subject|^  Folder' ~/Mail/procmail_log._nobackup_ 
 > Doesn't work for me...  
 > procmail: Assigning "LOGABSTRACT=on"
 > procmail: Assigning "LOCKEXT=.lock"
 > procmail: Executing "formail,-z,-R,From ,X-Envelope-From:"
 > procmail: No match on "^SUBJECT:.*(Condor jobs|Condor Absent|Condor Usage)"
 > [...]
 > procmail: Locking "inbox/.lock"
 > procmail: Executing "rcvstore,+inbox"
 > procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=rcvstore +inbox"
 > procmail: Unlocking "inbox/.lock"
 >  Subject: Re: Migration -> 0.96.2 problem
 >   Folder: rcvstore +inbox                                                  
 > 8002
 > Maybe you have some magic in your procmailrc I don't?
 > Thanks...
 > steve
 > --
 > SHELL=/bin/sh
 > PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/lib
 > LOGFILE=$MAILDIR/procmail.log
 > LOCKEXT=.lock
 > ##########################################
 > ## mh format delivery...
 > :0 Whf
 > | formail -z -R 'From ' X-Envelope-From:
 > ##########################################
 > ## /dev/null...
 > :0
 > * ^SUBJECT:.*(Condor jobs|Condor Absent|Condor Usage)
 > /dev/null
 > [...]

 paul fox, (arlington, ma, where it's 61.0 degrees)

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