In a message of Mon, 02 Jan 2017 13:00:15 -0500, David Levine writes:
>Laura wrote:
>> formatproc: /u/lac/bin/replyfilter
>> could that be to blame?
>I doubt it.  I don't think you would have reached the whatnow prompt
>if it failed.

As far as I can tell, all it does it set up the annotation properly.
And that was the part that worked ....

>I also doubt that procmail would bother anything in your drafts
>directory, but you might want to verify by looking in your .procmailrc.

There is one bit that takes an incoming message, always from a digest,
always arriving as 'text only, no-html' and arbitrarily bursts the
digest and then resends the messages out crudely repackaged as individual
html mail to a friend of mine who has become blind and who needs to
read his mail in a browser.  I'm using mh commands to resend this lot
out because sometimes there are attachments.

I checked.  Yes, he did receive a digest at about minight my time.
So, yeah, that was happening at that time.  I still think that 'found
an error trying to send something --> SAVE THAT DRAFT!!' would be a good
thing to have.


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