Hi kre,

Sending to you directly so you see a version that Mailman doesn't touch.

>   | >The «"» around `Blind-Carbon-Copy'
> I am leaving that there just so you can see what happens...   What I
> see when composing this is (ignoring my "|" quoting marker, ">The "
> (which I assume is fine for everyone),


> capital A with a caret (I hope that is the right name, like the ^
> char, but smaller),

Yes, see `dict -d foldoc caret'.

> the opening guillemets (never heard that name before...) a normal
> double quote (ascii), another capital A-caret, and the closing
> guillemets (and then a space, and the rest of the text).


> What I think is happening, is that everything I do is "un-localed",
> that is, I have no LC_* or LANG settings at all, which means that
> everything runs in the C (aka POSIX) locale (more or less US-ASCII).
> If I use nmh (ie: show) to look at your message, I see:
>       >The ?"? around `Blind-Carbon-Copy'
> which is correct as I understand things.

I think that's because nmh knows the text has two bytes representing
each guillemet, and iconv(3) says it can't translate either of them,
Unicode U+00AB or U+00BB, to the C locale so nmh renders each two bytes
as a single `?' byte.

> Then, what I expect happens, is that when the reply is composed, and
> the 2 byte UTF-8 character is read, it is instead interpreted as 2
> characters, one of which is the A-Caret, and the other is, probably
> not entirely by fluke, the opening « (which I just pasted from your
> message, no idea in what form it will be sent out).

Correct.  The UTF-8 encoding of U+00AB is 0xc2 0xab.

    $ printf '\uab' | hd
    00000000  c2 ab                                             |..|

This is because the 11 bits, p-z, of the Unicode runes [0x80, 0x800) are
mapped to two bytes.

    110p qrst
    10uv wxyz

u-z stay in their original place within the byte.  Their byte is headed
by 10.  If s-t's value is 10 then the second byte retains its original
value and so runes [0x80, 0xc0) are the ones that are simply prefixed by
0xc2 when they are UTF-8 encoded.

Byte 0xc2 is a `Â' in ISO 8859-1 so if you see a pair of runes starting
with `Â' then the second one is what was intended under a common

>       \xe0\xb9\x80\xe0\xb8\xa3\xe0\xb8\xb5\xe0\xb8\xa2\xe0\xb8\x99
>       \xe0\xb8\x84\xe0\xb8\x93\xe0\xb8\xb2\xe0\xb8\x88\xe0\xb8\xb2
>       \xe0\xb8\xa3\xe0\xb8\xa2\xe0\xb9\x8c

    $ show | grep \\\\x |
    > tr -dc 0-9a-f | tr a-f A-F |
    > sed 's/.*/16i&0AP/' | dc

Cheers, Ralph.


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