Hi Stewart,

> The previous nmh was 1.4

That's a big jump.  If you haven't already seen it, then the list of
per-release changes in NEWS could be useful.

> I changed the port to 25 from 2525, but the connection there was also
> refused.  I left it at 25.  mhparam now shows:
>     -port 25 -alias /home/wilson/.mh_aliases

> I'm attaching mts.conf.

Where did you find that?
Was it the same directory that `mhparam etcdir' shows?

> mts: smtp
> servers: mail.eskimo.com

That suggests to me that nmh will try to talk SMTP to mail.eskimo.com to
send the email,

> Also .mh_profile
> send: -port 25 -alias /home/wilson/.mh_aliases 

and that it will connect on port 25, the standard SMTP port.  I can
connect from here.

    $ nc mail.eskimo.com 25
    220 mail.eskimo.com ESMTP Postfix
    221 2.0.0 Bye

But your original email to the list showed attempts to connect to

    What now? send -snoop

        Trying to connect to "localhost" ...
        Connecting to ::1:2525...
        Connection failed: Connection refused
        Connecting to
        Connection failed: Connection refused

so I'm thinking mts.conf isn't being found.

At the `What now?' prompt, try

    send -snoop -mts smtp -server mail.eskimo.com -port 25

and we'll see if that gets further.

Cheers, Ralph.


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