>> Looks like a bug in nmh's Makefile; it produces mts.conf by
>> re-directing the output of sed, but a umask of 077 would leave the
>> file as 600.
>ISTM it's also a bug to ignore problems opening a file that exists, and
>to ignore a file given in an environment variable not existing.

I discovered today if there is no .mh_profile as specified by 'MH',
you'll get an error.  Which seems right to me.  If there's no .mh_profile
in your home directory you'll be prompted to run install-mh.

I don't believe mts.conf is technically required, but I hear you. So
you're fine with erroring out if opening MHMTSCONF fails for any reason
... and for the default mts.conf file, would you rather error out if
errno != ENOENT, or if errno == EACCES, or some other condition?



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