ralph wrote:
 > Has anyone else got an example?
 >     pick -sea 'content-type.*\*'
 > Note, don't use ‘--content-type’ as that only searches the header's
 > fields.

I have one.  Message came from a hotmail user, via outlook.com.

$ mhlist
 msg part  type/subtype              size description
2122       multipart/mixed           968K
     1     multipart/alternative      859
     1.1   text/html                  342
     1.2   text/plain                  69
     2     image/*                   715K 20220609_075908_resized.jpg

There's no metadata in the image to indicate where it originated.

Happy to get you a full copy of the message if it's interesting.

paul fox, p...@foxharp.boston.ma.us (arlington, ma, where it's 74.8 degrees)

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