Ken Hornstein writes:
> >Just upgraded my system to FC37 which incldes nmh 1.7.1.
> >show now runs everything through more which I hate.
> >Can't seem to disable it, even with --showproc cat.
> >Can someone save the trouble of having to figure this
> >out from the source code?
> Geez Jon, what version of nmh were you using before?
> I suspect you're running into the case where if show encounters a MIME
> message it runs it through mhshow. mhshow doesn't support -showproc,
> because it's kind of doing the work of showproc directly.  But setting
> "moreproc: cat" in your profile should work (it does; I just tested
> it).  What mhshow ends up doing is kind of complicated (because MIME is
> complicated) so overriding showproc wouldn't make sense for it, but I
> could see a case for providing a switch to override the default pager.
> If you wish to disable the automatic running of mhshow by show, you can
> use -nocheckmime and that should get you back to show handling messages
> directly if that's what you prefer.  I think this is even all in the man
> pages, so you wouldn't need to look in the source code unless you really
> wanted to :-)
> --Ken

Well, don't remember.  But I don't update too frequently because things
that have just worked tend to break which is why I'm spending the whole
day trying to figure out how the lastest replacement for the latest
replacement for the latest replacement of audio works since it doesn't.

But thanks, your fix did it.


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