>Just upgraded my system to FC37 which incldes nmh 1.7.1.
>show now runs everything through more which I hate.
>Can't seem to disable it, even with --showproc cat.
>Can someone save the trouble of having to figure this
>out from the source code?

Geez Jon, what version of nmh were you using before?

I suspect you're running into the case where if show encounters a MIME
message it runs it through mhshow. mhshow doesn't support -showproc,
because it's kind of doing the work of showproc directly.  But setting
"moreproc: cat" in your profile should work (it does; I just tested
it).  What mhshow ends up doing is kind of complicated (because MIME is
complicated) so overriding showproc wouldn't make sense for it, but I
could see a case for providing a switch to override the default pager.
If you wish to disable the automatic running of mhshow by show, you can
use -nocheckmime and that should get you back to show handling messages
directly if that's what you prefer.  I think this is even all in the man
pages, so you wouldn't need to look in the source code unless you really
wanted to :-)


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