>I have added the line forw: -format to my ~/.mh_profile.
>Now I find if I do:
>forw -mime 33
>I get that empty #forw line and nothing else.

I know this has been mentioned several times, but when you get this line
you STILL need to run the "mime" command at the What now? prompt before
you send the draft.  We could improve on this, I think, but that's the
reality of today.

>However if I simply do:
>forw 33
>I see the draft, the forwarded mail go out correctly and i can read it
>in my Proton account.

This won't preserve the MIME structure of the message, and I'm not quite
sure what would happen if it's a 8-bit character set (probably the wrong
thing).  If you find this works for you then I suppose it will be sufficient.


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