Dear Douglas and all,


We always have some knowledge about our parameter distribution. It comes from 
two sources: prior information and the data, under the model. Prior information 
almost always tell us that parameters must be non-normally distributed. That’s 
why we enforce different types of fixed transformations. Usually exponential 
transformation for parameters that has to be non-negative and logit 
transformation for fractions and probabilities. We then often have introduced 
what prior knowledge we have regarding the shape of the distribution. However, 
also our data contain information about the parameter distribution under the 
model we choose and one distribution may describe data better than another. We 
can explore this by choosing different fixed transformation. We may also allow 
the data to speak to the shape of the distribution as part of the estimation 
process. The latter approach was introduced into our field by Davidian&Gallant 
(J Pharmacokinet Biopharm. 1992 Oct;20(5):529-56) using polynomials and a 
specialized software. We recently explored other transformation that could be 
easily introduced into NONMEM and other standard programs (Petersson et al., 
Pharm Res. 2009 Sep;26(9):2174-85). If you want to explore deviations from 
normality under your fixed transformation, these semi-parametric* methods may 
be a good alternative. Below is code for  a simple box-cox transformation on 
top of a fixed exponential transformation. Positive values of SHP indicates 
right-skewed distribution (compared to a exponential transformation), negative 
a left-skewed. If the transformation offers no improvement in fit over an 
exponential distribution, the goodness-of-fit will be similar to that of a 
simpler model (CL=THETA(1)*EXP(ETA(1))).



SHP         = THETA(2)

TETA        = ((EXP(ETA(1))**SHP-1)/SHP 

CL           = THETA(1)*EXP(TETA)


(Semi-parametric is the traditionally used word for these methods, it probably 
comes from the fact that it lies between the standard parametric methods where 
the shape is prescribed by the model, and non-parametric methods where very 
little distributional assumption is being made. Semi-parametric methods are 
essentially parametric but parameters are estimated that relates not just the 
magnitude, but also the shape of the distribution.)


Best regards,



Mats Karlsson, PhD

Professor of Pharmacometrics

Dept of Pharmaceutical Biosciences

Uppsala University

Box 591

751 24 Uppsala Sweden

phone: +46 18 4714105

fax: +46 18 471 4003


From: [] On 
Behalf Of Eleveld, DJ
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2010 1:20 AM
To: Nick Holford;
Cc: Marc Lavielle
Subject: RE: [NMusers] distribution assumption of Eta in NONMEM


I'd like to interject a slightly different point of view to the distributional 
assumption question here.   

When I hear people speak in terms of the “distribution assumptions of some 
estimation method” I think its easy for people to jump to the conclusion that 
the normal distribution assumption is just one of many possible, equally 
justifiable distributional assumptions that could potentially be made.  And 
that if the normal distribution is the “wrong” one then the results from such 
an estimation method would be “wrong”.  This is what I used to think, but now I 
believe this is wrong and I'd like to help others from wasting as much time 
thinking along this path, as I have.

>From information theory, information is gained when entropy decreases.  So if 
>you have data from some unknown distribution and if you must make some 
>distribution assumption in order to analyze the data, you should choose the 
>highest entropy distribution you can.  This insures that your initial 
>assumptions, the ones you do before you actually consider your data, are the 
>most uninformative you can make.  This is the principle of Maximum Entropy 
>which is related to Principle of Indifference and the Principle of 
>Insufficient Reason.

A normal distribution has the highest entropy of all real-valued distributions 
that share the same mean and standard deviation.  So if you assume your data 
has some true SD, then the best distribution to assume would be normal 
distribution.  So we should not think of the normal distribution assumption as 
one of many equally justifiable choices, it is really the “least-bad” 
assumption we can make when we do not know the true distribution.  Even if 
normal is the “wrong” distribution, it still remains the “best”, by virtue of 
being the “least-bad”, because it is the most uninformative assumption that can 
be made (assuming a some finite true variance). 

In the real-word we never know the true distribution and so it makes sense to 
always assume a normal distribution unless we have some scientifically 
justifiable reason to believe that some other distribution assumption would be 

The Cauchy distribution is a different animal though since its has an infinite 
variance, and is therefore an even weaker assumption than the finite true SD of 
a normal distribution.  It would possibly be even better than a normal 
distribution because its entropy is even higher (comparing the standard Cauchy 
and standard normal).  It would be very interesting if Cauchy distributions 
could be used in NONMEM.  Actually, the ratio of two N(0,1) random variables is 
Cauchy distributed.  Maybe this property could be used trick NONMEM into making 
a Cauchy (or nearly-Cauchy) distributed random variable?

Douglas Eleveld


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