Dear Robert,


Efficacy is frequently considered a function of AUC.  (AUC is just an integral. It is obvious how to calculate AUC any software which can solve ODE.)  A disadvantage of this model of efficacy is that the effect is irreversable because AUC of concentration can only increase; it cannot decrease.  In many cases, a more meaningful model is a model where AUC is calculated form time t -a to t (kind of "moving average"), where t is time in the system of differential equations (variable T in NONMEM).   There are 2 obvious ways to calculate AUC(t-a, t).  The first is to do backward integration, which looks like a hard and resource consuming way for NONMEM.  The second one is to keep in memory AUC for all time points used during the integration and calculate AUC(t-a,t) as AUC(t) - AUC(t-a), there AUC(t-a) can be interpolated using two closest time points below and above t-a. 


Is there a way to access AUC for the past time points (<t) from the integration routine? It seems like an easy thing to do.    


Kind regards,


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