Dear NM-users,

PsN 4.6.0 is now available for download from

New features include

* Further advancement of sir, a tool for obtaining parameter uncertainty faster than with a bootstrap and more accurately than based on the covariance step. The program runs a fully automated iterative procedure and produces easy to use results, as well as diagnostic plots to support their visualization and interpretation.

* simeval, a tool for simulation-evaluation based diagnostics that aims to identify model misspecification and outliers.

* benchmark, a new tool for simple comparison of ofv, run times and parameter estimates across NONMEM versions and/or alternative settings of NONMEM control stream options.

The complete list of new features and bug fixes is found at

Please come and see us at PAGE!

Best regards,
The PsN development team

Kajsa Harling, PhD
System Developer
Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences
Uppsala University
+46-(0)18-471 4308

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