
In the ISoP study group webinar series, I will be giving a webinar on using the PKNCA R library this Wednesday at noon US Eastern time. If you're interested in automation of NCA in your R-based workflow with open-sourced software, check it out!

Thank you,


*Title:*Introduction to PKNCA: Automation of Noncompartmental Analysis in R
*General Topic:*Introduction to PKNCA: Automation of Noncompartmental Analysis in R
*Presenter:*William S. Denney

*Time:*Noon EDT
*Livelink Feed:*http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCmFrheYtcc
*Background Resources and Code for the Audience:*https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/PKNCA

*Discussion During after the Presentation: http://discuss.go-isop.org/t/introduction-to-pknca-automation-of-noncompartmental-analysis-in-r-may-25th-noon-edt/558 *


The PKNCA R package is designed to perform all noncompartmental analysis (NCA) calculations for pharmacokinetic (PK) data. The package is broadly separated into two parts (calculation and summary) with some additional housekeeping functions.

The primary and secondary goals of the PKNCA package are to 1) only give correct answers to the specific questions being asked and 2) automate as much as possible to simplify the task of the analyst. When automation would leave ambiguity or make a choice that the analyst may have an alternate preference for, it is either not used or is possible to override.

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