Registration is now open: May 9 - Pharmacometrics Network Benelux Spring Meeting
We are delighted to invite you to the 14th Pharmacometrics Network Benelux (PNB) Meeting. The PNB initiative aims to connect pharmacometricians in Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg. The intention is to create an informal platform for the pharmacometrics community (in industry, academia, hospital pharmacies as well as regulatory bodies), with the goal to promote professional and scientific awareness and interactions. The 2019 spring meeting will be held Thursday May 9th 2019 in Niel, Belgium. There is no registration fee, but registration is required for participation. Please use the following link to register for the symposium by May 1st: Scientific Program - Applied PKPD modelling: from prediction to prescription 12:00-13:00 Arrival and lunch 13:00-14:00 Keynote: Therapeutic Drug Management: an identification or control task? Ruben Faelens (KU Leuven) 14:00-14:30 Opportunities and challenges for implementation of TDM from a pharmacometric perspective. Sebastian Wicha (University of Hamburg) 14:30-14:50 Population Pharmacokinetics and Model-Informed Precision Dosing of Isoniazid in Tuberculosis Patients. Stijn van Beek (Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen) 14:50-15:10 Translating evidence from preclinical infection models to clinically relevant dosing targets of beta-lactam antibiotics in critically ill patients. Sofie Dhaese (Universiteit Gent) 15:10-15:50 Coffee break 15:50-16:15 Novel pharmacometric techniques to quantify and prevent iatrogenic withdrawal in children. Sebastiaan Goulooze (LACDR, Leiden) 16:15-16:40 Use of PKPD modelling for the treatment optimization in ovarian cancer patients treated with cisplatin-based intraoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy. Feifan Xie (Universiteit Gent) 16:40-17:05 Pharmacometric models to improve therapeutic drug monitoring of monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases. Erwin Dreesen & Wannee Kantasiripitak (KU Leuven) 17:05-17:30 OptiDose: An advanced approach to compute optimal drug dosing schemes for a PKPD model using optimal control theory. Gilbert Koch (University of Basel, Children's Hospital) 17:30-18:30 Closure and drinks Meeting venue: Incubator Darwin Galileilaan 15 2845 Niel Belgium This symposium is sponsored by ISOP and locally organized by KU Leuven. We are looking forward to welcome you in Niel on Thursday May 9th. The PNB Steering Committee: Pieter Colin Thomas Dorlo Wilbert de Witte Stefaan Rossenu Sven van Dijkman Anthe Zandvliet Local Organizing Committee: Pieter Annaert Thomas Bouillon Thomas P.C. Dorlo, PhD Pharmacometrician, senior scientist Dept. Pharmacy & Pharmacology Netherlands Cancer Institute / Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Google Scholar<> | ResearchGate<> | LinkedIn<> t: +31 20 512 4741 e: Antoni van Leeuwenhoek | Plesmanlaan 121 | 1066 CX AMSTERDAM |<>